Rainy start to the day in Newcastle, at least it is warmer and drier in Brisbane. 🌧 ✈️ ☀️

Flying over Lake Eildon this afternoon on the way home from Melbourne. ✈️ 🇦🇺 📷

Who needs filters with a sky like this! #Newcastle

See you later Melbourne…err actually see you on Sunday ✈️ #toomuchtravel #repslife #avgeek #jetstar #jq478

It’s Taco Tuesday, but on a Wednesday! 🌮 Yum! #tacotuesday #tacos #dinner #foodporn #tasty #imadethis #g7x #hashtags #lotsofhashtags

All the ribs! And some wings too.

Out for dinner with the family, @cath_bomb and @travispacker

Half rack of ribs! Nice!

Lunch time views…not bad at all

Hunter Stadium is pretty as a picture this afternoon for the @newcastlejetsfc game! Go Jets!

All the Red Roo’s in a row… @qantas

Watching planes land at Melbourne Airport. #theta360 #littleplanet #thetam15 #ricohtheta

Flying alongside the Swiss Alps, from Graz to Zurich. Flight 1 of 3, part of a very long journey back to Australia. #Switzerland #InterSky #Graz #Austria #SwissAlps

Wings with Truffle Fries, so tasty!

It’s a pity that I’m not going to Innsbruck, because that’s where this OBB train is going…

End of the day, catching up on some YouTube, drinking some wine, watching the moon is rising, been a good day in Baar.

The afternoon light is playing along nicely today! #timelapse #switzerland #baar #video

Shooting some more time lapse video, one of these days I might actually do something with all the footage I’ve shot… #solazy #timelapse #video #switzerland #baar

Quite a nice afternoon weather wise here in Baar, not a whole lot to do other than walk around the town taking photos.

Quite a pretty sunrise over Basel this morning. Not sure it’s going to be a great weather day though, those clouds look about ready to rain! #canong7x #BaselSBB #Basel #switzerland

Pretty tasty chicken burger, so far the nicest burger I’ve had in Basel.

Plane bathroom selfies….how tired do I look!

G&T and some cashews, nice way to start a 9+ hour flight. Thanks @cathaypacific

One of the perks of travelling so much… #spatime #spa #relaxation