It occurs to me that my problem with web/social browsing isn’t that the content I read is bad, but that I’m stuffing my brain full of other people’s thoughts all day.
I love reading how others detox, especially when they share realisations like Cheri’s, above.
🔗 Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign wants to push for government control of 5G networks
We went through something similar in Australia recently with our National Broadband Network (NBN) build, to say that it was an almighty cock up is an understatement.
Not only did the build budget blow out massively, and it is still not completed. In areas where it has been completed, customer satisfaction is low, just like the network speeds, in many cases the NBN is slower than the network it replaced.
If the Government wants to build this sort of infrastructure, it needs to be a non-political build, i.e. don’t make it a campaign issue. Internet access should be considered a standard utility just like electricity.
🔗 Your security and privacy: next steps -
As I mentioned previously, I’m working to make this site as respectful of privacy as it can possibly be.
Brett gets it! Love that he’s going in the same direction as many of us have gone already.
For the first time in weeks, my email inbox isn’t full of angry emails from parents with requests that their child plays in a particular team, that’s already full, and how much anxiety this will cause them…
Have been getting a few RSI problems in my left hand the past few weeks, so I went and grabbed a Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Keyboard, and now I have to learn how to type again…

I’m in the final stretch of our football club’s registration period, just got to organise some info to go out to the existing coaches and managers. I’ve registered, and placed in teams, about 650 players. Looking forward to it being over, my RSI is playing up from all the typing!
I’ve been using Duck Duck Go as my search engine for the last 4 weeks, I’ll be honest, I can’t see myself using it for much longer. I just don’t like the look and ‘feel’ of it.
🔗 Your security and privacy -
I’m fully aware that my changes here make almost no difference in the grand scheme of things, but now my sites are operated closer to the way I’d prefer every site operated.
Found out the hard way that Miso Soup flares up my gout. I used to love Miso Soup. 😩
🔗 Earth is dying and this couple is crowdfunding a sex button
Millennials have killed many things: cable television, golf, McDonald’s, and now, apparently healthy sexual relationships.
Some times people jump on Millennials because they’re an easy target, other times there’s a valid reason…
🔗 Nest Secure had a secret microphone, can now be a Google Assistant
If your IoT device secretly contained a microphone, which was previously undocumented, would you be happy when the device maker announced an over-the-air update that can enable the microphone for virtual assistant voice functionality?
Australian’s, how do you sell your old / no longer in use phones, laptops, desktops, etc. I’m desparately trying to avoid eBay and GumTree, if at all possible.
🔗 Choosing to sleep in separate beds is the last relationship taboo
Our conception of what is and isn’t acceptable in long-term relationships has expanded tremendously in recent years.
I know a few couples who sleep in separate beds / rooms, seems to work for them.
🔗 Live blog: Kashima Antlers vs Newcastle Jets in ACL action
Nothing much seems to be in Newcastle Jets’ favour before their Asian Champions League qualifying playoff against reigning champions Kashima Antlers in Japan.
It’s going to be a tough night for the Jets, but it’s football, so anything is possible. ⚽️
Proud Dad moment ahead… @travispacker had a couple of trial games yesterday against Broadmeadow Magic’s SAP team, he had a great performance, saved a lot of goals, let a few in, but best off all, he played positively and came off the field at the end with a smile on his face.
🔗 Apple’s new Depth Control video is hilarious!
When notifications get weird… 🧐

Hey, TiddlyWiki peoples, are any of you using Quine to use/save TiddlyWiki files to your iOS devices? It looks like it could be quite handy for taking your wiki files when you’ve got to work offline.
Tinker Elle (@elle91) Tweeted: Without using the title of your job, tell me what you do.
I teach people, mainly Nurses, but sometimes Doctors, how to use a particular medical device that my company sells.
Watching: Robot Chicken: Star Wars (2007) 📺
The first of three Star Wars themed Robot Chicken parodies.
Still pretty funny.
No blog / commentary from me today.
I’ve been working on a proposal for my football club advising on how we can overhaul our registration policy to create a better club, retain and develop more local players, and basically just sort out some issues that are frustrating our registration team.
So far I’ve edited 1,000 words down to about 600, and I think that edit makes my point come across more succinctly.
Presenting it to the committee on Monday, it’ll be interesting to see how it’s received.
Beautiful night for football. Newcastle Jets vs Wellington Phoenix

Just noticed that none of my posts have been going through to the main timeline, apparently the feed URL wasn’t correct, even though it’s a hosted Curious…