Watching: Iron Fist: Morning of the Mindstorm (S2.E7)

    As Danny steps up his training, Davos ramps up recruitment. Ward falls prey to old demons, and Misty butts heads with a captain.

    Back is aching like a champ this afternoon, which is to be expected, as I had a massage treatment yesterday and for some reason I end up pretty sure the following day.

    The Secret To Getting Great Sleep Is…Socks

    Of course studies on the positive effects of bed socks have focused on cool, winter environments

    Personally, I hate wearing socks to bed, and if I do, I don’t sleep very well at all. The part of Australia that I live in doesn’t get that cold in winter, but it does get pretty warm and sticky in summer, and wearing socks to bed would only exacerbate the problem.

    The actual secret to great sleep is to test out what actually works for you, track your sleep, do a little research on different β€œmethods” of getting good sleep, and experiment with them till you find what works well for you.

    I get my best sleep by not drinking alcohol after 4-5pm, walking more than 6,000 steps in a day, and by having a vape before bed. Following this routine, and being in bed before 11pm, I can pretty much guarantee an 8 hour sleep, with a solid 2 hour block of deep sleep.

    Don't Frustrate Your Customers

    This morning, my boss asks me to do up some artwork for a display plinth for an upcoming conference. I contact the display maker to get the layout information from them, I also ask them if they have an Illustrator template that I can use, a pretty simple question, so I thought… They respond with a “No, we don’t have an Illustrator Template, but here’s a PDF with the dimensions written on it” .

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    I don’t think I like ‘Dark Mode’ on Mojave, and not just because of apps that don’t support it yet. I think the menu bar icons are too “bright”, they kind of “bleed” into each other. I think Apple should’ve gone with a light grey for the menu bar icons.

    Watching: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Out of Mind, Out of Sight (S1.E11) with @travispacker.

    When an invisible menace starts attacking contenders in the upcoming May Queen election, the Scooby Gang traces the problem back to Cordelia.

    Pinched my sons Nintendo Switch so I can play some Zelda, wonder how long it will take for him to notice…

    Watching: Iron Fist: The Dragon Dies at Dawn (S2.E6)

    Misty and Colleen's trip to the tattoo parlor turns painful -- but not for them. As Davos crosses names off his list, Mary makes Danny an offer.

    Just finished importing all of my Instagram posts to my new photo blog that I’m hosting on You can follow my photo blog, which is now at πŸ“Έ

    Participating in my first Micro Monday, my suggestion would be to follow @vishae and @martinfeld, I’ve had some good back ‘n forth commentary with them over the past week or two.

    Om Malik: Skype, redesigned (again)

    Microsoft is once again redesigning Skype β€” in order to make Skype great again.

    Skype has gone through so many designs over the years, it gets more difficult to use every time, it’s like they’re trying to make it into a social network instead of a communication application. It’s really annoying!

    Watching: Iron Fist: Target: Iron Fist (S2.E4)

    Joy's interrogation of Mary takes a turn. Misty gives Danny an earful. Ward extends an olive branch. Davos makes a crucial discovery.

    Watching: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) with @travispacker.

    The Guardians must fight to keep their newfound family together as they unravel the mystery of Peter Quill's true parentage.

    Watched: Teen Titans Go! To the Movies (2018) with @travispacker

    A villain's maniacal plan for world domination sidetracks five teenage superheroes who dream of Hollywood stardom.

    So I just heard the dumbest thing, apparently there’s a post going around Facebook that suggest the Muslims don’t have to pay council rates in Australia of they practice their religion more than 5 hours a day..

    Sadly, 3 people I know, have shared the post. 😩

    Watching: Iron Fist: The Fury of Iron Fist (S2.E1

    While rival gangs battle for the soul of New York, Danny and Colleen cross paths with an old acquaintance. Joy embarks on a new adventure.

    Thinking about a way to bring all my photo posts together…

    Has anyone come up with a good approach for collecting similar post types together on, for the purpose of creating an archive “page” or similar, for discovery of old posts?

    Just had an ex-emplyee’s Dell laptop handed to me, “what do you want to do with this thing?”

    It’s got a reasonable spec, is fairly lightweight, and has a good battery life. I think I might have a play and either install Ubuntu on it, or maybe even turn it into a Chromebook…

    I really like Instagram, it’s my favourite social network, in fact it’s the only social network I’m still active on, but I also like the idea of removing my images from the “Facebook-owned” network and just using it as an app to like other peoples images, get inspiration, etc.

    Curious, does anyone use Spotify as their podcast player? 🎡

    Network-y people, I’ve got my DNS setup to point at as my custom domain. If I want it to be able to work as both and what record do I need to add on my DNS to make this happen?

    Currently, I have an A record that points at’s IP address, per this article. I believe I need to add a CNAME for the www version to work, however, it’s not overly clear what I should use for the target, do I use Mb’s IP address or my URL, i.e.

    Thanks in advance for your help! πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€

    Yassss! BoJack Horseman, Season 5 comes out on Netflix next week!

    MacPaw Releases a Redesigned and Updated CleanMyMac X

    Good to see a new update for CleanMyMac, one of my favourite utilities for cleaning up Mac OS.

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