πŸ”— Quine by Chris Hunt

    Hey, TiddlyWiki peoples, are any of you using Quine to use/save TiddlyWiki files to your iOS devices? It looks like it could be quite handy for taking your wiki files when you’ve got to work offline.

    πŸ”— twitter.com

    Tinker Elle (@elle91) Tweeted: Without using the title of your job, tell me what you do.

    I teach people, mainly Nurses, but sometimes Doctors, how to use a particular medical device that my company sells.

    Watching: Robot Chicken: Star Wars (2007) πŸ“Ί

    The first of three Star Wars themed Robot Chicken parodies.

    Still pretty funny.

    No blog / commentary from me today.

    I’ve been working on a proposal for my football club advising on how we can overhaul our registration policy to create a better club, retain and develop more local players, and basically just sort out some issues that are frustrating our registration team.

    So far I’ve edited 1,000 words down to about 600, and I think that edit makes my point come across more succinctly.

    Presenting it to the committee on Monday, it’ll be interesting to see how it’s received.

    Beautiful night for football. Newcastle Jets vs Wellington Phoenix

    Just noticed that none of my posts have been going through to the main micro.blog timeline, apparently the feed URL wasn’t correct, even though it’s a hosted micro.blog. Curious…

    If anyone else is still playing Pokemon Go, please add me as a friend, I need 3 new friends to complete one of the research challenges…please and thanks!

    Just heard someone described as “an aspiring Instagram model” and there’s no amount of emoji that could possibly demonstrate how much I laughed… Way to aim high kiddo!

    I’m having one of those days where, quite literally, everything is pissing me off…damn Wednesdays.

    Feels like a 5-6 coffee day, today…I’m 3 deep already and it’s only just past 9am.

    Ordered a new camera lens yesterday, a Sony 70-200mm f/4, and I didn’t tell my wife…just received notice that it will be delivered today. If you never hear from me again, you know what’s happened!


    Enjoyed this video from @aaronpk on how he does his screencasts.

    πŸ”— Crypto Exchange Says It Can’t Repay $262 Million To Clients After Founder Dies With Only Password

    Canadian crypto exchange QuadrigaCX says it cannot repay most of $262 million in client holdings after its founder Gerald Cotten, the only person who knew the passwords to its β€œcold storage,” unexpectedly died in India in December 2018.

    Oh shit! πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

    Got a weird one happening, haven’t been able to work it out. My custom CSS is only showing up on matpacker.micro.blog, not on my custom domain matpacker.blog, despite it being fully hosted on mb. Anyone got ideas? CC @manton @macgenie

    ⚽️ Jets hammer hopeless Wanderers in A-League

    Western Sydney's A-League season of woe has slumped to a new low after being embarrassed 5-1 on home soil by a ruthless Newcastle.

    Yassss! Now that’s how you play football!

    Stupidly put my hand up to look after the eWaste at work…

    πŸ”— aleague.sportsmatemobile.com

    Sydney FC fill speed need with Austin

    That was unexpected…not that he played many minutes for the Jets. πŸ‘‹πŸ»

    Goodbye instagram

    With the latest round of crap going on with Facebook, and Zuckerberg’s apparent resolve to join FB, Instagram, and WhatsApp, into one platform, I can no longer justify keeping Instagram around.

    Today, I finally bit the bullet and deleted my Instagram account… πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

    πŸ”— It’s So Cold Out! Where’s the Global Warming?!

    Whilst The Day After Tomorrow is a movie, there’s actually a good chunk of actual science in it that explains exactly what is happening in parts of the US currently. Just because it’s not warm, doesn’t mean there’s not global warming…

    Is anyone else who has customised their CSS seeing the error message;

    Theme error: [33m Deprecation: The β€˜gems’ configuration option has been renamed to β€˜plugins’. Please update your config file accordingly.[0m

    CC - @manton, @macgenie.

    πŸ”— Paying tribute to the web with View Source

    I owe much of my career to View Source. It’s what got me started with web development in the first place. Going to sites that I liked, learning how they did what they did.

    I LOVE View Source, I pretty much use it everyday!

    πŸ”— Japanese government plans to hack into citizens' IoT devices

    Many have argued that this is an unnecessary step, as the same results could be achieved by just sending a security alert to all users, as there's no guarantee that the users found to be using default or easy-to-guess passwords would change their passwords after being notified in private.

    Look, there is a certain merit to what the Japanese Government has proposed, however, it’s not a huge leap to suggest that this β€œaudit” will end up in the wrong hands at some point in time, nor that it will actually lead to people fixing their security flawed passwords.

    Mark my words, this will not end well…and nor should it

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