Stolen from r/Pokémon 😂

🔗 How to Create Perfect Selections in Affinity Photo
Ready to master Affinity Photo? Check out our complete guide: []( today’s image:
Have you ever tried to remove the background of the photo, only to find that making a good selection is really tricky to do? We’ve all been there.
In this video, we’re going to learn powerful selection techniques, so that you can make PERFECT selections. It won’t be long before you’re removing backgrounds like a professional.
Definitely! It looks like an amazing bit of kit, and the challenge of only being able to capture in black and white would make most photographers so much better at seeing their subject. I just wish it came with some form of guarantee against divorce…my wife would definitely divorce me if I bought this! 😢
🔗 How to setup a behind the goal remote camera for football or soccer
A look at my remote camera for Premier League 2 - @robsamblessport
Hey Hillsong have you noticed, Pink, Nicole Kidman, and other have donated thousands of dollars to our Fire Fighters while you Happy Clapping arseholes rake in millions from mugs and bumpkins, haven't paid an ounce of tax and haven't donated Jack Shit? Christians my arse.
— Alpheus Williams (@AlphWilliams) January 5, 2020
2020 is the year for personal websites.
— dustin senos (@dustin) January 5, 2020
Incredibly creative road in Holland where the right speed produces the correct key
— Giles Paley-Phillips (@eliistender10) January 4, 2020
Chris Burnell - I really dig this super clean, well-designed website.
This might be my favorite home screen ever.
— RSLvtes (@Nevadicus) January 3, 2020
Don’t know a stack about leadership, but learnt this when that stuff with the FFA and the fans went down:
— Adam Peacock (@adampeacock3) January 3, 2020
When things are turning to shit people want to feel leaders totally have their back.
And people can see straight bloody through it when they don’t.
Wasn’t @KevinHart4real in a car crash recently, I don’t imagine having AD land on you would’ve been great. Ouch!
— Mathew Packer (@mat_packer) December 26, 2019
World Record Foam Experiment
— Physics & Astronomy Zone🔭 (@ZonePhysics) December 20, 2019
🔗 NetNewsWire 5 for iOS Public TestFlight
You can go sign up on our testing page for the TestFlight beta for NetNewsWire 5 for iPhone and iPad.
Joined and downloaded! Now that NNW has Feedly syncing on iOS, it’ll likely replace Feedly’s own app for my daily reading.
— rstevens 🐳💨 (@rstevens) December 23, 2019
I mean
— Eric Meyer, CSS Nerd (@meyerweb) December 22, 2019
YES, I'm aware we "had our arse handed to us"
— Todd Blackwell (@rawprawn25) December 22, 2019
NO, I'm not "ashamed to wear the Newy Jets colours" today or any day
Your entitled to have your opinion or belief
but please remember SO AM I#GotheNewyJets #OneTeamOneDream #LovethisTown#LovethisTeam #MadeofNewy#HaSoN#NTUA
And just quickly before everyone loses their shit, yeah we've probably had better days
— Todd Blackwell (@rawprawn25) December 21, 2019
I will always support the @NewcastleJetsFC though#GotheNewyJets #OneTeamOneDream #LovethisTown#LovethisTeam #MadeofNewy#HaSoN #NTUA
Have we reached #ErnieOut point yet? Serious question? Leave your thought below. #PERvNEW #NTUA
— Dr Emma Beckett (@synapse101) December 21, 2019
🔗 video: 3 ways to hang a gallery wall
Show us your gallery wall efforts by posting a photo to Instagram. Tag @dominomag & hashtag #SOdomino!
🔗 How I Keep Track of New Music Releases
Every Friday I open up the Music app, go to the For You section, scroll all the way down to the bottom and look at the “New Releases” section. This section looks at your library and shows you new albums from the artists you have in your collection.